Monday, December 24, 2007

Alcatraz is awesome.

I'd love to post some pictures of San Francisco, but I can't find my USB cord.

California is so pretty, and the weather is perfect. Being with someone elses' family for more than a day is really hard and I am exhausted. Currently I feel homesick and a little bit sad. I miss lots of Richmond things and people.

I am in a very small hotel room with two boys, one of which sprays axe body spray on himself as if he is trying to apply an even coat of spray paint. In one way I am grateful that this person is not my boyfriend, but the fact that he is not also makes it an unapproachable topic.

I am such a baby.

I saw Juno tonight, it made my heart feel warm and at the end I was un-chatty, a phenomenon rarely experienced by those who know me.

Merry Christmas, friends, I love you very much. I'm thinking of you, amongst palm trees and trolley cars with santa hats on them.


Anonymous said...

merry christmas!
i miss you!
let's all move to california!
san francisco, in particular.
have you been down to the mission? did you visit 826 valencia?

Anonymous said...

ugh axe